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Turn AI Into Fuel That Accelerates the RevOps Engine

Understand how BoostUp’s native AI technology can help sales and revenue leaders drive scalable revenue. The panel demonstrates specific applications of generative and predictive AI modeling in sales forecasting, deal management and pipeline management which leaders can use to improve sales performance and efficiency while also strengthening their RevOps function.



Key takeaways from this webinar


Native AI forecasting models increase accuracy and precision

BoostUp integrates sophisticated AI forecasting models that leverage historical data and user submissions to project future outcomes. These models offer deep insights into sales performance and enable users to predict revenue with high accuracy.


Granular deal-level insights reduce deal risk and slippage

BoostUp utilizes AI to analyze buyer-seller interactions and sentiments from emails, calls and calendars. Combining this analysis with historical rep performance, BoostUp offers unique engagement risk scores to help manage risky deals at the right time to reduce slippage.


Rapid implementation capabilities lead to faster ROI

BoostUp offers rapid implementation timelines, with AI features like activity matching and engagement risk scoring operational within three days. Leveraging existing CRM data provides valuable and actionable insights out-of-the-box.

About this webinar

This webinar, featuring panelists Amit Sasturkar, CTO at BoostUp.ai, and Chad Cameron, Head of Solution Consulting at BoostUp.ai, delves into the impact of advanced AI technologies on sales forecasting, deal management, and revenue optimization. The panel provided insights into how BoostUp empowers organizations to drive revenue growth and operational efficiency through its native AI architecture which facilitates faster data-driven decision-making. ...

BoostUp's AI-powered forecasting models enable precise revenue predictions by leveraging historical data and user inputs. This advanced technology aids in proactive decision-making, resource allocation, and risk mitigation. Granular deal-level insights derived from AI-assisted analysis of multiple data sources provide unique and accurate projections, empowering sales teams to manage deals strategically and enhance engagement.

The platform's rapid implementation timeline ensures swift adoption and integration of AI features such as activity mapping and engagement risk scoring. Leveraging existing CRM data delivers immediate ROI and actionable recommendations for sales optimization.

BoostUp equips sales leadership with comprehensive data insights, including engagement risk score and trend analysis. This empowers leaders to set informed targets, optimize pipeline coverage, and identify coaching opportunities for enhanced team performance. BoostBot provides custom notifications about deal risks, forecast and pipeline movements directly to Slack such that no important information falls through the cracks.

By harnessing the power of native AI for forecasting, deal management, and pipeline management, BoostUp facilitates data-based visibility and accountability that accelerates revenue growth and operational success.

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