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Mastering Consumption-Based Forecasting

More companies are adopting a consumption-based revenue model every year. In this webinar, our expert panel discusses the benefits, operational challenges, and changes in sales comp and team culture associated with this model. They also share what it takes to forecast consumption-based revenue with high accuracy.



Key takeaways from this webinar


Usage-based revenue model can increase customer-centricity

Because consumption-based models require companies to track their customers' daily usage with a deeper intent, it eventually leads them to learn much more about their customers' usage patterns and preferences. This can help them be more customer centric.


Operational readiness for billing systems is crucial for better forecasting

Transitioning to a consumption-based model requires integrating backend systems to track daily billings and aligning CRM tools with actual consumption data. This setup is vital for accurate pipeline conversion metrics and managing opportunities.


Micro-selling events and compensation adjustments become important

In a consumption-based model, sales successes are more about consistent, smaller wins rather than occasional large deals. This shift demands changes in sales comp structures so that the team is motivated to increase overall usage of the product.

About this webinar

Sales and RevOps teams face considerable challenges in achieving accurate forecasts, especially in consumption-based revenue models. Given the variability, the dependence on accurately tracking customers’ actual usage, as well as the shift in rep incentives and activities which consumption-based models create, predicting revenue can be more complex.



Without a strong approach for managing the operational efficiencies of their consumption-based forecast—including the data, the processes, and the expectations—teams risk inaccurate forecasts, misaligned resources, and missed revenue targets. 


In this webinar, you’ll learn:


- Expected benefits when you shift from opportunity-based models to consumption-based models

- Operational challenges and considerations associated with that shift

 - Accurately tracking the right data and activities, and its impact on forecasting and accountability

- Sales compensation planning and how it needs to change in a consumption-based business

- Company culture and rep behavioral changes you’ll need to plan for and adopt when you switch

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