
Increase revenue per sales rep


Increase revenue per rep by driving greater visibility and accountability


Identify pipeline risk factors

Know how much pipeline is required to meet targets, quickly assess the quality of the pipeline, and address associated risk factors.


Understand what’s really going on in deals

Get immediate access to deal-level activity, stake-holder engagement and blockers that are hindering progress.


Surface actions that deliver wins

Take action based on AI-generated recommendations derived from benchmarks and winning sales plays.


Increase rep accountability

Assess rep activities to pinpoint improvement areas, benchmark behavior against peers, and hold reps accountable to targets to maximize productivity and performance.

AI-Guided Deal Inspection

AI-Guided Deal Inspection

Instant visibility into the critical details that define the trajectory of a deal.

Assign risk scores based on prospect engagement

Predict deal outcomes (win, lose, push)

Prescribe next best actions for all deals

Sales Methodologies Support

Sales Methodologies Support

Consistent application of sales methodologies across the sales organization.

Auto-populate sales methodology data

Flag areas of strength and weaknesses based on sales methodology criteria

Score deals based on details captured via sales methdology

Take a product tour

See how we deliver.

On-demand reporting for productivity insights-1

Rep Coaching

More impactful 1:1s with reps that drive revenue growth.

Assess rep selling activity and pinpoint areas for improvement

Benchmark rep behavior vs peers to identify areas of strength and weakness

Slack Mockup V4-1


AI-powered copilot that drives sales efficiency and effectiveness.

Receive critical alerts related to deals, pipeline and forecasts

Prioritize key actions to improve deal outcomes and increase forecast accuracy

Automate core selling tasks such as filling out sales methodology scorecards and drafting follow up emails

Watch product demo

See how we deliver.

BoostUp shows you what's going on in your pipeline deal by deal.

Kristina Emminger

Senior Director of Sales Strategy

See how BoostUp brought deal clarity and dynamic data updates to Resonate.