A few years ago, I launched a podcast called "Legends of Sales and Marketing." During the 50+ episodes that I recorded, I received a “PhD in selling” from the sales executives who had turned companies like Snowflake, Facebook, Salesforce and Microsoft into… well, legends.

What surprised me about these leaders is that they always came back to the same recipe for success: Visibility leads to accountability, and that leads to results. They may have dressed up their sales philosophy differently, but they always included those three concepts. That insight transformed the way I thought about building high-performing companies. 

The convergence of sales, finance and revenue operations (RevOps) is not just an evolution—it's a revolution shaped by data and the insights that artificial intelligence is generating.
— Justin Shriber, CEO, BoostUp.ai

Today, companies are awash in data. Yet, paradoxically, they struggle with gaining clear visibility into the metrics that genuinely matter. This gap between data abundance and actionable insight hinders their ability to drive accountability and, consequently, achieve growth.

At BoostUp, the way we're tackling this challenge is guided by that simple yet powerful formula: visibility + accountability = growth.

As we stand on the brink of a new era in sales tech, it's clear the traditional playbook has been rewritten. The convergence of sales, finance and revenue operations (RevOps) is not just an evolution—it's a revolution shaped by data and the insights that artificial intelligence is generating.

Part I

Navigating the Data Dilemma in Sales Tech

In the world of CRM and sales tech, we've hit a bit of a snag.

Picture this: systems packed with data, yet when it's time to make sense of it all, we find ourselves scratching our heads. It's like having a library of books with no titles on the spines. You know there's valuable information inside, but where do you even start?

The root of the problem? Well, it's twofold. First off, the data we've been collecting is, to put it mildly, a mixed bag. Coming straight from the front lines, sales teams have been tasked with feeding our systems. But here's the catch: they're in the thick of it, aiming to hit targets and manage their pipelines. The last thing on their minds is data entry. This isn't about pointing fingers; it's about understanding the dynamics at play.

The result? Data that's not always as reliable as we'd like.


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Drowning in Data But Starved for Insights 

Then there's the issue of sheer volume. The more data we have, the harder it becomes to pinpoint what matters most.

And if that wasn't enough, we've essentially been working within a fortress.Our CRM systems, for all their worth, have acted like walled gardens. They hold a treasure trove of sales-generated info, but what about everything else? The broader context that could turn a good decision into a great one often lies just beyond reach.

So, where do we go from here? The solution isn't to speed up the intake of iffy data. That's like pouring more water into an already overflowing cup and expecting not to spill. No, what we need is a shift in perspective—a move towards pristine, unbiased data that paints the whole picture.

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Part II

Finance and Sales: A Dance of Ice and Fire

At the heart of every organization lies a delicate balance between sales and finance.

Sales focus on identifying customer challenges and crafting valuable solutions, driving revenue through strategic solution positioning. On the other side, finance departments, particularly CFOs, need precise visibility into revenue projections to craft accurate cost models and resource allocations. Add the up-and-coming RevOps department to the equation, looking to optimize revenue in every creative and intelligent way. 

Forecasting is a balancing act where the stakes couldn't be higher. Underestimate revenue, and you risk starving your company of the resources it needs to grow, inadvertently constraining potential. Overestimate and you're caught in a cycle of overspending and dwindling margins. 

Therefore, forecasting isn't just about predicting numbers; it's about securing your organization's future health and scalability. Sales, CFOs and RevOps bear the weight of this responsibility, tasked with delivering forecasts that align closely with reality.

The Challenges of Traditional Forecasting

Despite its critical role, forecasting has been beleaguered by two significant issues. First, the workflow and process problem: forecasting requires precise coordination across departments, with each cog in the machine performing its role at just the right moment. Historically, these workflows and processes have been brittle, breaking down at the slightest misstep. 

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  2. Eu turpis posuere semper feugiat volutpat elit, ultrices suspendisse. Auctor vel in vitae placerat.
  3. Suspendisse maecenas ac donec scelerisque diam sed est duis purus.


Want to dive deeper into Revenue Operations and propel your RevOps career?

BoostUp's RevOps Masterclass offers free courses from industry leaders that cover all aspects of RevOps while blending insights and actionable strategies.


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Part III

BoostUp’s Answer to These Challenges

At BoostUp, we confront the sales data challenge directly. By mining actual sales activities—Zoom calls, emails, meetings—we build an objective dataset, free from the biases of manual data entry. Our innovation lies in accurately linking this data to specific accounts and opportunities, avoiding the pitfalls of "automated garbage" that plagues other systems.

Imagine sales teams liberated from the drudgery of data entry, thanks to AI. Our technology not only automates data capture but also enriches it, turning raw data into actionable insights. This shift transforms sales management; meetings now focus entirely on strategy and coaching, leveraging a complete view of sales activities to enhance productivity.

At BoostUp, we tackle forecasting challenges head-on by reimagining the forecasting workflow with modern technology. Our approach opposes the rigid workflows of old tech by introducing flexibility and configurability, ensuring that you can tailor dashboards and views to match your team's specific workflows and requirements, not the other way around. BoostUp can also handle increasing data complexity and changing demands, making it an ideal choice for expanding operations.


BoostUp’s Mission

At BoostUp, we're addressing a critical challenge: the abundance of data without clear insight.

The crux of the issue lies in the technological foundation of many existing solutions. With nearly two decades since their inception, several vendors in the marketplace are operating on outdated tech stacks. This legacy technology inherently limits their ability to analyze data dynamically and leverage AI effectively, resulting in a mere repackaging of Salesforce data with minimal added intelligence.

BoostUp diverges from this "old tech" approach by harnessing an AI-driven stack built on a federated data model compatible with modern data warehouses like Snowflake. Imagine having finance, sales and RevOps departments working on the same data set in a federated revenue platform with the same accurate data set. 

Our mission is clear: to ensure that visibility leads to accountability, and accountability leads to tangible results.