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How can we increase visibility and accountability for sales, starting with QBRs? Hear it from our panel with four CROs.}', 28='{type=string, value=Why Sales QBRs Fail and How to Elevate Them With Visibility & Accountability}', 29='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=630,url='https://8844268.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8844268/Why%20Sales%20QBRs%20Fail%20and%20How%20to%20Elevate%20Them%20With%20Visibility%20&%20Accountability.webp',altText='Why Sales QBRs Fail and How to Elevate Them With Visibility & Accountability',fileId=182090047807}}'}, {id=149471486539, createdAt=1702315246514, updatedAt=1728933383787, 4='{type=string, value=Groundbreaking Forecast Maturity Research for RevOps}', 7='{type=string, value=https://www.boostup.ai/webinar-forecast-maturity-research-for-revops}', 23='{type=number, value=1702252800000}', 25='{type=list, value=[{id=132636880028, name='Aaron Janmohamed'}]}', 26='{type=list, value=[{id=132625861907, name='Matthew Volm'}, {id=149471486534, name='Jeff Saenger'}, {id=149471486535, name='Ben Schafer'}]}', 27='{type=string, value=In this webinar, Ben Schafer from Udemy gives practical applications and examples of how Udemy matured their forecasting processes and strategy.}', 28='{type=string, value=Groundbreaking Forecast Maturity Research for RevOps}', 29='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=630,url='https://8844268.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8844268/Forecast%20Maturity%20Research%20Webinar%20TN.png',altText='Forecast Maturity Research Webinar TN',fileId=180954763649}}'}, {id=132001173795, createdAt=1693226684163, updatedAt=1728933398607, 4='{type=string, value=Game Changing Metrics to Get Control Over Revenue}', 7='{type=string, value=https://www.boostup.ai/game-changing-metrics-webinar}', 23='{type=number, value=1693267200000}', 25='{type=list, value=[{id=132636880028, name='Aaron Janmohamed'}]}', 26='{type=list, value=[{id=132431257148, name='Neel Kamal'}, {id=132646407332, name='Anthony Enrico'}, {id=132647262735, name='Andy Mowat'}]}', 27='{type=string, value=Explore this discussion on the intersection of RevOps and BI in driving sales efficiency. Understand the role of critical sales funnel metrics and how they can be used to transform your pipeline and forecasting.}', 28='{type=string, value=Game Changing Metrics to Get Control Over Revenue}', 29='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=630,url='https://8844268.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8844268/Game%20Changing%20Metrics%20Webinar%20TN.png',altText='Game Changing Metrics Webinar TN',fileId=180952723005}}'}, {id=131488917283, createdAt=1692882261918, updatedAt=1728933420492, path='', name='', 4='{type=string, value=How ChatGPT & GenAI Will Transform Revenue Operations & Management}', 7='{type=string, value=https://www.boostup.ai/chat-gpt-genai-revops-webinar}', 23='{type=number, value=1693180800000}', 25='{type=list, value=[{id=132636880028, name='Aaron Janmohamed'}]}', 26='{type=list, value=[{id=132625861909, name='Sharad Verma'}, {id=132625861915, name='Dale Zwizinski'}, {id=132647262726, name='Shawn Killpack'}]}', 27='{type=string, value=Discover how AI can transform SaaS revenue operations. Learn about the role of data connectivity and gain insights on AI's impact on business strategies.}', 28='{type=string, value=How ChatGPT & GenAI Will Transform Revenue Operations & Management}', 29='{type=image, value=Image{width=1200,height=630,url='https://8844268.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8844268/GenAI%20RevOps%20Webinar%20TN.png',altText='GenAI RevOps Webinar TN',fileId=180952723007}}'}]
1 30
Turn AI Into Fuel That Accelerates the RevOps Engine
Understand specific applications of generative and predictive AI in sales forecasting, deal management and pipeline management which leaders can use to improve sales performance.
Watch the webinar
5 Actionable Laws for 1:1s that Produce Winning Teams
In this webinar, our panel will help strip away all the out-of-date practices of traditional 1:1s and offer you the map of Do’s and Don’ts for intentional 1:1s that boost results.
Watch the webinar
Why Sales QBRs Fail and How to Elevate Them With Visibility & Accountability
Are QBRs a time sink or a catalyst for success? How can we increase visibility and accountability for sales, starting with QBRs? Hear it from our panel with four CROs.
Watch the webinar
Groundbreaking Forecast Maturity Research for RevOps
In this webinar, Ben Schafer from Udemy gives practical applications and examples of how Udemy matured their forecasting processes and strategy.
Watch the webinar
Game Changing Metrics to Get Control Over Revenue
Explore this discussion on the intersection of RevOps and BI in driving sales efficiency. Understand the role of critical sales funnel metrics and how they can be used to transform your pipeline and forecasting.
Watch the webinar
How ChatGPT & GenAI Will Transform Revenue Operations & Management
Discover how AI can transform SaaS revenue operations. Learn about the role of data connectivity and gain insights on AI's impact on business strategies.
Watch the webinar